fheroes2 on zipit
Just got fheroes2 running on z2.
Rays of hate to the author for "-I$(PREFIX)/include" in Makefile. PREFIX is usually /usr, so it pulled headers from host and produced weird compile errors. It took half a day to debug and fix it.
You'll need data and maps from original heroes 2 in /root/.fheroes2 to play.
As usual, here's screenshot:
Btw, I've moved to gcc-4.6, so don't forget to get updated openwrt .config
Binaries are here: uImage rootfs
Rays of hate to the author for "-I$(PREFIX)/include" in Makefile. PREFIX is usually /usr, so it pulled headers from host and produced weird compile errors. It took half a day to debug and fix it.
You'll need data and maps from original heroes 2 in /root/.fheroes2 to play.
As usual, here's screenshot:
Btw, I've moved to gcc-4.6, so don't forget to get updated openwrt .config
Binaries are here: uImage rootfs
how playable is this without mouse (i know there is mousemu), or is this just for proof?